At Jewish Care you will find a home and a community.
For over 170 years, Jewish Care has assisted residents and their families. We put people first: their abilities, needs, culture and personal preferences. That is the philosophy at the foundation of our unique Hand-in-Hand model of care.
We design homes that support residents to do the things they want and are able to do, with the confidence help is always there. Residents live in ‘household’, heimish accommodation, where food and amenities are available at any time, with easily accessible communal areas nearby.
It‘s the celebration of culture that creates joy and lasting memories. From food to holidays and special events organised with community partners: at Jewish Care you will comfortably express your identity.
All our homes are located near precincts, parkland and the places that make Melbourne a great place to live.
Discover our three Residential Homes
To enquire about how Jewish Care can meet your needs in your own home or in one of our homes
Residential respite
Available at Jewish Care's three residential homes, residential respite is support available for you and your carer in a home away from home.